How to Annoy Your Conductor in One Easy Step
by Drew Holmes
Technology is a wonderful thing when it works and an amazing source of frustration when it does not.
We got in a new microphone, the RODE VideoMic Me-L, and as soon as I saw the box I was captivated. The Me-L is a miniature shotgun microphone with a built-in lightning plug, specifically designed to seamlessly integrate into an iPhone with no adapters or cables required. This was the microphone I envisioned when I first started making videos using my phone. I eagerly plugged it in and set up to record a video to showcase this new find, already triumphant in my success.
Unfortunately, success proved to be elusive.
To better learn the OBS software, I have had to rethink my entire process for recording videos. This powerful free program can combine multiple audio and video sources on the fly for livestreaming or recording. My old method of recording directly into my iPhone and then editing for publication does not come close to doing so much. I excitedly set up my video sources, created my scenes, and then got down to the business of recording my video.
Everything looked great, but it did not sound right. Since what I was trying to showcase was the microphone, sound quality is crucial. I troubleshooted everything I could think of but to no avail. After 90 minutes of rapidly accruing frustration is was painfully obvious: this microphone used in this way with this software does not work.
I was reminded of my first concert as a member of the orchestra at Drew University in the fall of my freshman year. I had come off a senior year in high school that saw me make every festival I auditioned for, including All-State. I had placed top three in nearly every ensemble and was even in a brass quintet with people nearly a decade older than me. In other words, I had a severe case of Trumpet Ego.
I had never played regularly in an orchestra, since we did not have one in my high school, and being such a small university Drew did not have a band. The University Orchestra was the only ensemble available to me. At the first rehearsal our director, Garyth Nair, presented me with a folder of music that included not just original parts but also ones that were transposed for Bb trumpet. I was thrilled, since I was not great at transposing, and I did not feel like carrying extra horns around campus.
At the dress rehearsal I was having an off night, missing several entrances that were usually solid. Professor Nair stopped the orchestra, looked at me, and wistfully said “Drew, I wish you had a C trumpet. Those parts would be so much easier!”
“I do, Professor.” I replied.
“You do?” he asked, not quite grasping what I had just said.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked, slightly agitated.
“You never asked.”
“Where is it?” he inquired through a forced grin, teeth tightly clenched.
“Back in my dorm room.”
“Go get it.” He ordered through barely suppressed rage.
I exited the hall and returned with my C trumpet shortly thereafter.
The rest of rehearsal was great, and the performance went equally well. The C trumpet made a huge difference, and I was able to perform my parts with minimal difficulty. What made things go so smoothly?
I was using the right tool for the right job.
Rather than forcing my Bb trumpet to do things it was not well suited for, using the C allowed everything to fall into place. Sure, the Bb was getting the job done, but I was working too hard to fit the square peg into the round hole. Using the instrument that was designed to perform those parts allowed me to focus less on the trumpet and more on the music.
I have abandoned recording my video with this particular microphone using OBS, but I still want to create the video. I have gotten so caught up in using OBS, that I could not see what was plainly in front of me: this tool, for whatever reason, is not correct for this job. I can fight it and make a low-quality video (possibly none at all). Or I can use a different tool and make a great video that matches my vision.
When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem is a nail. My toolbox contains many options and I need to match the right one to the current problem. Like the orchestra performance back in college, the results will be better for it.